dinsdag 22 maart 2011

Films of the puppies

Every week you can see new pictures on the website http://www.onderdesintjan.nl/puppies.htm

4 hours old:

1 day old


Yesterday Greta gave birth to 4 puppies: 2 dogs and 2 bitches. They were born by caesarian. They're all fine.

Greta and the for puppies

Brown dog
Black and whte dog

Black and white bitch 1
Black and white bitch

dinsdag 8 maart 2011

Chicks of the Breda chicken are born

Breda chick 1 day old, blue and black
Breda chick, black, 1 day old

Breda chick, 1 week old, black
Breda chick, 1 week old, black
Breda chick, 1 week old, blue
Breda chick, 1 day old, blue and black
North Holland Blue, 2 weeks old

First zwartbles lamb are born

Sunday afternon the first 2 female lamb are born.

Today our sheep Jans, born in 2005, gets 2 lamb, female again.